
Joins in a relational database such as SQL can get very slow as the system grows bigger.

Path #1

is to stick with MySQL and keep the “beast” running. Hire a database administrator (DBA,) tell him to do master-slave replication (read from slaves, write to master) and upgrade your master server by adding RAM, RAM and more RAM. In some months, your DBA will come up with words like “sharding”, “denormalization” and “SQL tuning” and will look worried about the necessary overtime during the next weeks. At that point every new action to keep your database running will be more expensive and time consuming than the previous one. You might have been better off if you had chosen Path #2 while your dataset was still small and easy to migrate.

Path #2

means to denormalize right from the beginning and include no more Joins in any database query. You can stay with MySQL, and use it like a NoSQL database, or you can switch to a better and easier to scale NoSQL database like MongoDB or CouchDB. Joins will now need to be done in your application code. The sooner you do this step the less code you will have to change in the future. But even if you successfully switch to the latest and greatest NoSQL database and let your app do the dataset-joins, soon your database requests will again be slower and slower. You will need to introduce a cache.

Database Denormalization and NoSQL

Denormalization means adding redundant information into a database to speed up reads.

For example, imagine a database describing projects and tasks (where a project can have multiple tasks). You might need to get the project name and the task information. Rather than doing a join across these tables, you can store the project name within the task table (in addition to the project table).

Or, you can go with a NoSQL database. A NoSQL database does not support joins and might structure data in a different way. It is designed to scale better.

Database Partitioning (Sharding)

Sharding means splitting the data across multiple machines while ensuring you have a way of figuring out which data is on which machine. A few common ways of partitioning include:

Vertical Partitioning

This is basically partitioning by feature. For example, if you were building a social network, you might have one partition for tables relating to profiles, another one for messages, and so on. One drawback of this is that if one of these tables gets very large, you might need to repartition that database (possibly using a different partitioning scheme).

Key-Based (or Hash-Based) Partitioning

This uses some part of the data (for example an ID) to partition it. A very simple way to do this is to allocate N servers and put the data on mod(key, n). One issue with this is that the number of servers you have is effectively fixed. Adding additional servers means reallocating all the data-a very expensive task.

Directory-Based Partitioning

In this scheme, you maintain a lookup table where the data can be found. This makes it relatively easy to add additional servers, but it comes with two major drawbacks. First, the lookup table can be a single point of failure. Second, constantly accessing this table impacts performance.

Many architectures actually end up using multiple partitioning schemes.

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