Dynamic Programming and Recursion

How to approach recursive problems

Bottom-Up Approach

The bottom-up approach is often the most intuitive. We start with knowing how to solve the problem for a simple case, like a list with only one element. Then we figure out how to solve the problem for two elements, then for three elements, and so on. The key here is to think about how you can build the solution for one case off of the previous case (or multiple previous cases)

Top-Down Approach

The top-down approach can be more complex since it's less concrete. But sometimes, it's the best way to think about the problem.

In these problems, we think about how we can divide the problem for case N into subproblems. Be careful of overlap between the cases.

Half-and-Half Approach

In addition to top-down and bottom-up approaches, it's often effective to divide the data set in half.

For example, binary search works with a "half-and-half" approach. When we look for an element in a sorted array, we rst gure out which half of the array contains the value. Then we recurse and search for it in that half.

Merge sort is also a "half-and-half" approach. We sort each half of the array and then merge together the sorted halves.

What is dynamic programming?

Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique which is based on recurrent formula and some starting states. A sub-solution of the problem is constructed from the previously found ones.

There are two main properties of a problem that suggest this problem can be solved by DP.

Overlapping Subproblems

Like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming combines solutions to sub-problems. Dynamic programming is mainly used when solutions of same subproblems are needed again and again. In dynamic programming, computed solutions to subproblems are stored in a table so that these don’t have to recomputed. So DP is not useful when there are no common sub problems.

There are two different ways to store the values so that these values can be reused.

a. Memoization (Top Down)

The memoized program for a problem is similar to the recursive version with a small modification that it looks into a lookup table before computing solutions. We initialize a lookup array with all initial values as NIL. Whenever we need solution to a subproblem, we first look into the lookup table. If the precomputed value is there then we return that value, otherwise we calculate the value and put the result in lookup table so that it can be reused later.

b. Tabulation (Bottom Up)

The tabulated program for a given problem builds a table in bottom up fashion and returns the last entry from table. For example, for the same Fibonacci number, we first calculate fib(0) then fib(1) then fib(2) then fib(3) and so on. So literally, we are building the solutions of subproblems bottom-up.

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