Inorder successor
Given a binary search tree (See Definition) and a node in it, find the in-order successor of that node in the BST.
If the given node has no in-order successor in the tree, return null.
Solution: Iterative
- Start from the root
- If target node is in the left subtree, set root as potential successor and move to left subtree.
- If target node is in the right subtree, go to the right subtree. We don't need to update successor if target node lies in the right subtree.
Time Complexity - O(h), Space Complexity - O(1)
TreeNode * inorderSuccessor(TreeNode * root, TreeNode * p) {
TreeNode *node = root, *successor = NULL;
while (node) {
if (p->val < node->val) {
successor = node;
node = node->left;
} else {
node = node->right;
return successor;
Solution: Recursive
TreeNode * inorderSuccessor(TreeNode * root, TreeNode * p) {
if (!root) return NULL;
if (p->val >= root->val) {
return inorderSuccessor(root->right, p);
} else {
TreeNode *left = inorderSuccessor(root->left, p);
return left ? left : root;
Solution: Iterative Inorder Traversal
We can use iterative inorder traversal to find the successor. We just need to add a flag to indicate we have found the target node If we have already found the node, we just return the next node.
TreeNode * inorderSuccessor(TreeNode * root, TreeNode * p) {
TreeNode *cur = root;
stack<TreeNode*> s;
bool found = false;
while (cur || !s.empty()) {
if(cur) {
cur = cur->left;
} else {
TreeNode* node =;
if (found) return node;
if (node == p) found = true;
cur = node->right;
return NULL;